Investment is an asset acquired with the goal of income generation or capital appreciation. It is an essential part of wealth creation. In other words , investment is a commitment of funds in expectation of positive returns. Investment is not only an action of purchasing an asset, but an action which will generate an income in the future. We have a lost of investment options available in India. There are Fixed Income Investments, Market linked investments and other investments. The most popular investment products in India are Fixed deposits, Bonds, Public Provident Funds, Stocks, Mutual Funds, National pension schemes, gold and real estate. Finlounge is an investment consultancy in Trivandrum whose objective is to help its customers in making the right investment decisions.
There are a number of points to consider when it comes to investment
Investment objective
Every investmentment product will have an investment objective. It is advisable that the investment objective of the product should be in match with that of the investor
Investment Horizon
Products with different investment horizons are available in the market. The investor should be careful to choose the right product as per his financial goals.
Risk-Return appettite
Normally we can’t expect high returns from a low risk investment. If an investor aims at high returns, he will have to bear high risk too. The thing is that one should be aware of and comfortable with risk-return features of a product before availing it.
Returns from an investment are often taxable, but some investment products give tax benefits to the investor. Investors should be aware of the applicable tax or tax benefits before choosing a product.
We have tie-ups with almost all Mutual fund companies and NBFCs for distribution of their products. Our company will be the best option if you are looking for the services of an investment consultancy in Trivandrum. Click on the tabs below for details of our products.